
Thursday, January 19, 2017

When God Doesn't Send Relief

I have been thinking about this topic a lot lately ever since I had this experience a few weeks ago. As many of you know I have had a rough recovery after surgery. I have had a hard time learning to swallow and eat and keeping down medicine. I have also thrown up quite a bit since surgery so we are worried that I may be developing another hernia...So a couple of weeks ago I was having a rough night. I had been throwing up after dinner and while taking my night time meds. I have narcolepsy and insomnia so one of my worst fears is not sleeping. After throwing up so many of my night time meds I was worried about sleeping. I was really upset so Nathan got me some hot milk and I turned on some hymns to take my pills to. I felt so much peace and I was able to swallow the pills. I thought that Heavenly Father had answered my prayers. I went to bed and thought everything was going to be ok. 3 hours later I still hadn't fallen asleep and all my pain and sleeping meds were wearing off. I knew I would have to take them so I decided to get down on my knees and plead to my Heavenly Father for help and relief. I had a really difficult time getting my pills down. I threw up again and tried to go back to sleep. About 2 hours later I was still awake. I was miserable. I was mad that God didn't just take my pain and my problems away. I finally woke up my husband for help. He helped me get through the night. There was more vomiting but eventually I fell asleep.
Some people think that if God doesn't take away your pain or your problems that He isn't listening or He isn't there. But that's not the point. God didn't take away my fact He usually doesn't but He does give me peace and helps me find the strength I need. That night was so miserable but He knew I had weeks of recovery ahead. If I couldn't get through that night how would I get through others? My recovery since then has not been easy but I have been tough enough to deal with it.
Sometimes we need to fall. Sometimes we need to go through the pain. If God always swooped in to save us we would never learn to help ourselves and others.
The good news is that even though God won't always send relief, He will always send peace and love. I may get frustrated with Him but He has never left me. I always know He is nearby and waiting to help. When He can't help He stays the night with me. Speaks peace and confidence to my heart. I know it is hard to wait for relief and really hard to wait for blessings that you need and deserve. I promise you blessings do come, relief comes in plenty and the Lord listens and loves you. His peace is real and His strength is there to give you aid and to lift you up. Wait for Him, be patient and never ever lose trust and faith in His love for you.

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